Garmin GTN 650: A Touch-Screen Dream

Garmin GTN 650: A Touch-Screen Dream

Garmin GTN 650: A Touch-Screen Dream High Performance Aviation Garmin GTN 650: A Touch-Screen Dream by Brendan Boyd (Gold Seal CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, CSIP) Indoctrination If you’ve ever used any of Garmin’s variety of avionics outfits, you know that the company has...
Updating Garmin Panels

Updating Garmin Panels

Updating Garmin Panels High Performance Aviation Mastering the Art of the Garmin Update by Hank Gibson, CSIP, Gold Seal CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI (Disclaimer: The following is specific to the Garmin Perspective in Cirrus Aircraft. As far as the author’s knowledge...
The Garmin G500 / G600

The Garmin G500 / G600

The Garmin G500 / G600 High Performance Aviation Glass Cockpit Retrofit by Aaron Mingle, CFI, CFII, MEI, A&P Question: Want all the benefits of those brand new glass cockpits? Don’t want to buy a brand new aircraft? Even better, want it to work with your existing...
The Cirrus Factory Experience

The Cirrus Factory Experience

The Cirrus Factory Experience High Performance Aviation Destination Duluth By Hank Gibson, Gold Seal, CFI, CFII, MEI The Cirrus factory, a mythical kingdom that a lucky few are able to enter and partake. Lo, I am here to say that, contrary to some, it is not a fairy...
The Direct To Key

The Direct To Key

The Direct To Key High Performance Aviation It’s All Going According to Plan, Part 2 By Hank Gibson, CFI, CFII, MEI The Direct To Key The direct to key is an aid to VFR pilots and a must for IFR pilots. On VFR cross countries, I encourage all VFR pilots to still...
IFR Flying With the G1000

IFR Flying With the G1000

IFR Flying With the G1000 High Performance Aviation The Soup Isn’t So Scary By Hank Gibson, CFI, CFII, MEI What private pilot has not looked up on a cloudy day and asked himself, “Am I missing something?” The answer to that is a very simple and very loud YES! There is...