X Marks the Failure: FAASafety Team Seminar on April 27th, 2016

High Performance Aviation

April 21, 2016

X Marks the Failure

On Wednesday, April 27, 2016, Gentry Shelton, Commercial Pilot, CFII, MEI, High Performance Aviation, will present an FAA Safety Team talk on identifying and troubleshooting pitot-static failures. Modern technology has made our cockpits more advanced. In this seminar, Gentry will discuss how to deal with failures in technically advanced aircraft. This seminar is a good review of the systems involved when the red X’s appear on highly sophisticated equipment. Additionally this seminar is a good review on which instruments give pertinent information, how they get their input and what it means when the information given doesn’t make sense.

This Fly-In Seminar is located at Anson Aviation, Sugar Land Regional Airport and is sponsored by the SGR FAASTeam. Anson Aviation is located south of the Sugar Land Regional Airport main Terminal Building. Participants are eligible for WINGS credit. Register online for this seminar.

View complete event details and registration information for this seminar here.


X Marks the Failure


Failure in the Cockpit. What Do the Red X’s Mean and What do We Do When They Appear?


Gentry Shelton, Commercial Pilot, CFII, MEI, High Performance Aviation, LLC


Tuesday, April 27, 19:00 CST


Sugar Land Regional Airport
12890 A- Highway 6 S
Sugar Land, TX 77498 (map)

Select Number:


Credit for the WINGS Programs:

  • Basic WINGS – 1 credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
  • Advanced WINGS – 1 credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2

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