High Performance Aviation
What’s in a Name?
FAA Airport/Facility Directory (AF/D) to be renamed Chart Supplement
On March 31, 2016, the “green books” pilots depend on will change its official name from Airport/Facility Directory (AF/D) to U.S. Chart Supplement. In its charting notice to announce the change, the FAA said the update will bring the publication in line with Interagency Air Cartographic (AICC) 8 guidelines for printed material. The name Airport/Facility Directory will still refer to the front section of the books where the airports, NAVAIDS, and weather devices are listed. Chart Supplement will refer to the entire volume. An example of the new South Central Chart Supplement cover is shown below.
As most pilots know, the Chart Supplements are an integral part of aviation publications, and include important details about airports, including hours of operation, types of fuel available, runway data, lighting codes, etc. Seven volumes cover the conterminous United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. They are updated every 56 days as opposed to Sectional Charts which are updated every 6 months.
Once you know how the A/FD is arranged, it is easy to use. Each sectional has an index on the front flap with the symbols used and a brief description of what they mean. The books are packed with more information than you might need, but remain a current source of a multitude of details when you need it.
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