
- Price: SOLD
- Aircraft Name: N84202
- Hours: 7495
- Manufacturer: Cessna
- Model: 172K/180HP Conversion
- Registration Number: N84202
- Serial Number: 17258377
- Year: 1969
- Location: Conroe, TX
High Performance Aviation is pleased to show this 1969 Cessna 172K/180 Conversion. This aircraft has 180HP Lycoming Conversion O-360-A1A/O-320-Series and Hartzell Constant Speed Prop Conversion. The Avionics have been enhanced with Garmin GTX-327, Garmin SL40 Comm Radio, KMA-20 TSO Audio Panel, and Narco NAV Indicator.
Airframe Total Time
7495 Hrs.
O-360-A1A/O-320 Series
1068 Hrs. SMOH
Constant Speed 2-Blade Aluminum
363 Hrs. SPOH
Garmin GTX-327
Garmin GDL-82 UAT ADS-B Transmitter
Garmin GA35 WAAS Antenna
Garmin SL40 Comm Radio
KMA-20 TSO Audio Panel & Marker Beacon Receiver
NARCO NAV Indicator
Inspection Status
Annual Due December 2023.
Airframe Logs since 1997, complete Engine and Prop Logs.
Logbooks are available upon request, please call for a password.
All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection. Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal from Market Without Notice.
360˚ Tour
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N84202 Video
Aircraft Logbooks