

1967 Cessna P206B
1984 Piper Malibu for Sale
1984 Piper Malibu for Sale
  • Price: SOLD
  • Aircraft Name: 1967 Cessna P206B
  • Hours: 3203.7
  • Manufacturer: Cessna
  • Model: P206B
  • Registration Number: N4711F
  • Serial Number: P206B-0311
  • Year: 1967
  • Location: Conroe, TX


The Cessna P206B is the ‘Suburban of the sky’ offering a high payload, superb short field capabilities and efficiency.  N4711F is a well-equipped and well maintained P206B with new paint and interior in 2006.

Powered by a low time 300 horsepower Continental IO-520-F engine with tuned GAMI Injectors and a Hartzell three-blade propeller, the P206B is a general aviation aircraft that lives up to its performance claims.

The navy blue and silver sweeping stripes over white gives N4711F a modern look with an impressive ramp presence. The spacious interior offers six total seats. The blue and grey leather/cloth combination places a modern spin on this classic performer.  Whether you travel for work or play, the large cabin of this aircraft will provide a comfortable ride with plenty of cargo space.

This aircraft incorporates features that will help accomplish any mission at a fraction of the cost when compared to a new 206.  Elements include an Aerocet Belly cargo pod, Sportsman STOL kit, a co-pilot and personnel door, STEC-55X autopilot with an ST-360 Altitude selector, Garmin 430 nav/com, JPI 800 digital engine monitor, ADS-B out, Alpha Systems AOA indicator and Garmin GMA 340 audio panel, all of which turn this 206 into a rock solid IFR cruiser.

N4711F will take you and your family or associates in and out of nearly any airport imaginable. This Cessna 206 has an incredible useful load of nearly 1600 lbs., strong ramp appeal, and worldwide customer support provided by Cessna Aircraft.

For more information, or to schedule your private showing, contact High Performance Aviation at 866-227-8149 or visit our website at flyhpa.com.


Total Time: 3203.7 Hrs
Useful Load: 1555 Lbs


New Paint – 2006
Overall White with Navy Blue Accents
Blue & Silver Trim


New Interior – 2006
Blue cloth & leather seats
Cream Headliner
Blue & Gray Carpet
Quick release for both rear seats
6 seats including pilot

Inspection Status

Annual due February 2022


Heavy Case Continental IO-520-F
300 Horsepower 
TSMOH: 253.2 hours


TSOH: 253.2 hours
Hartzell 3-Blade Constant Speed Propeller
Model PHC-J3YF-1RF


Garmin GNS-430 – NAV/COMM
uAvionix ADS-B Solution
Alpha Systems AOA Indicator with Dual HUDs
Garmin – GMA-340 AUDIO PANEL
S-Tec 55X with GPSS & ALT. Select/Alert
S-Tec ST-360 Altitude Selector/Alerter (LCD) System
Digital Flap Indicator
JPI EDM 800 Electronic Engine and Data Monitor

Additional Equipment

Aerocet Belly Cargo Pod
Sportsman STOL Kit
BAS Shoulder Harnesses with inertial reels for front 2 seats
Micro Dynamics Micro Vortex Generators
Sportsman Leading Edge Cuffs
Rosen Sun visors
Pulse Landing Light
Avionics Master Switch
Electric Flaps
Davtron Electric Clock
Rare 2 Pilot/Copilot Door Model with Personnel Door
Dual Bubble Windows
Flap Gap and Alerion Gap Seals
GAMI Injectors
ADSB Compliant
New Goodyear Tires
New Concorde Battery
Complete Logs


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