1957 Cessna 182A
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- Aircraft Name: 1957 Cessna 182A – N6168B
- Registration Number: N6168B
- Serial Number: 34168
Detailed Description
- Useful Load: 984 lbs.
- Useable Fuel: 55 gallons (65 gallons total; 62 gallons usable in level, cruise flight)
- Dual Controls
Engine Specs
- Continental O-470-L, 230 HP (1,000 hours SMOH)
- 2-Bladed McCauley Prop
- Narco MK 12D TSO Nav/Com with Glideslope
- King KX 170B Nav/Com
- KMA20 Audio Panel
- Narco AT 50A Mode C Transponder
- PM 3000 Intercom
- ELT Equipped
- Rear Headset Jacks
Additional Equipment
- Horton STOL Kit
- Garmin 496
- Alternator Equipped
- Electric Push Button Starter
- New Battery
- Door Steward Equipped
- Fire Extinguisher
- Johnson Bar Flaps
- Sunset shaded interior, excellent condition, 4 place
All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection. Availability Subject to Prior Sale or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice.